Chennai, 21 Dec 2010: The Indian Motorsport Marshals Club (IMMC) has been formed as a national-level organization to provide race officials and marshals to manage the first-ever Indian F1 GP at the Jaypee Circuit, Noida, Delhi on 30th October 2011. Under the auspices of the Federation of Motorsport Sports Club of India (FMSCI) and the international FIA Institute of Motor Safety, the IMMC have just completed the first-level training programme to ensure the F1 Grand Prix (GP) in 2011 is a real sporting success.
Marshalls willing to sign up can do so with the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle), that has been created for this, to volunteer to work at the first-ever F1 GP in India. These marshals will then go through a selection and training programme to ensure the best quality marshals. The MSA will provide support throughout 2011 up to an including the GP itself.

This training is part of a thorough on-going programme of support and development provided by the Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association of the UK (MSA). Two trainers, Sue Sanders and Ian Watson have spent the last 4 days this week, working with senior motorsports officials of this country who will on to undertake training of new and existing marshals across the country.
Sanders said “The people we have worked with have been so enthusiastic; it’s been a real pleasure to work with them. They seem to be very passionate about motorsports and we are looking forward to helping out in any way possible”.
Ian Watson commented “There are certain individuals within the group who are very experienced and they’ve proven throughout the week their intention and determination to deliver very high quality training for all marshals.”
The MSA Training Team will be back to provide further support in the build up to the event and some of the senior officials might also visit at least one other F1 GP for intensive hands-on tracks-side training at all levels including the conclusion of the Train-The-Trainers Course. As a result of the formation of the IMMC, the FMSCI will soon have a large pool of licensed marshals to officiate at all the FMSCI events around the country on a need be basis, thereby adding further improvements to the administration of the sport.