Contest for children to design Air-powered Electric car in Bangalore
By our Principal Correspondent
Bangalore, 27 May 2014: L Green Ventures, an organisation committed to cultivate the habit of science experimentation among children has been conducting Sunday Science Schools at various places. The Sunday Science School is an elaborate hands-on-Science activity for school students that creates a sense of curiosity and promotes inquisitiveness so as to stimulate the children’s scientific creativity.
As part of Earth Day celebrations, a science contest is being held on June 29 at Vishveswaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore (India) for children in the age groups of 9 to 11 years and 12 to 15 years. To reduce pollution in the environment and place seed in the minds of the children, the students were asked to design the most-efficient `Air powered Electric Car’ with a given common energy source.
The first 2000 students can take part in the contest on a first-come-first-serve basis.
“The basic model of the `toy car’ can achieve a speed of 4 km per hour which is our normal walking speed; however, children can also achieve a speed of 15 km per hour car speed if they work on crucial aspects like reducing the weight of the car, reducing friction, aerodynamics of shape, using different fan, different wheels etc. They cannot change the given toy motor (engine of the car!) and the power that can be used (3V!) and that is what makes it challenging,” said Dr Sujatha Virdhe, Director, L Green Ventures.
Last year L Green Ventures had a contest on “Making Hand-held-Wind-Energy-Generator” and children succeeded in glowing about 100 LEDs using similar a toy motor.
The contest is sponsosred by Mahindra Reva to encourage the Green Initiative while Karnataka Renewable Energy Department Limited (KREDL) and International Royal Chemical Society would be the co-sponsors of the event.
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eom/By Sumitra