Gautam Shanthappa and Arindam Ghosh locked in a tight battle for fmsci president post

Chennai, 22 September 2024: President of the Karnataka Motor Sports Club (KMSC) Gautam Shanthappa, who is also the current vice-president of the Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India (fmsci), has filed his nomination for the post of President of the fmsci in the elections to be held during the Annual General Body Meeting to be held at Hotel Trident, here on Wednesday, the 25th of September.
Arindam Ghosh of Ramakrishna Race Performance Management Private Limited, (RRPM) Kolkata, is the only other nomination filed for the post of fmsci President which falls vacant after the incumbent Akbar Ebrahim finishes his tenure. Ghosh headed RRPM which was the INRC promoter for three years from 2013. After the last date for nominations, two nominations were received for the post of President and Vice-President.
Coimbatore’s J. Balamurugan of Spitfire Motorsports Private Limited, filed his nomination as the vice-presidential candidate while Farooq Ahmed, also filed his nomination for the post of VP against Balamurugan. Ahmed is a multiple times National champion co-driver and is also part of Motor Sports Club of Chikmagalur, which used to conduct the Coffee Day Rally. Apart from these two crucial posts, 13 nominations were filed for the post of councillors.
Arindam Ghosh’s nomination was proposed by Saurav Chatterjee, Kolkata Automotive Sports Association, Tamal Ghosh of Just Sportz Management, Kolkata, seconded it. Akbar Ebrahim, Meco Motorsports, proposed the name of B.S. Gautham while C. Rajaram of Spit Fire Motorsports seconded it. Farooq Ahmed’s name was proposed for the post of vice-president by former fmsci president J. Prithiviraj and seconded by Arindam Ghosh. J. Balamurugan’s name name was proposed as vice-president by Gautam of KMSC and seocnded by Akbar Ebrahim, Meco Motorsports.
The Electoral College consists of 17 members including the five permanent members of the Federation. The 17 clubs will have their representatives to vote on behalf of them and each will have one vote, provided the club owes no dues. They are:
1. Calcutta Motorsports Club, Kolkata: Vir Raina;
2. Coimbatore Auto Sports Club, Coimbatore: J. Prithiviraj;
3. Indian Automotive Racing Club, Mumbai: Farokh Commissariat;
4. Karnataka Motor Sports Club, Bengaluru: B. S. Gautam;
5. Madras Motor Sports Club, Chennai: Bharat Vicky Chandhok;
6. Bengal Motor Sports Club, Kolkata: Pratim Chowdhury;
7. Indian Motor Sports Marshals Club, Chennai: Manoj Dalal;
8. Just Sports Management Private Limited, Kolkata: Suchandan Das;
9. Kolkata Automotive Sports Association, Kolkata: Surav Chatterjee;
10. Meco Motor Sports Private Limited, Chennai: Akbar Ebrahim;
11. Motor Sports Club of Chikmagalur, Chikkamagaluru: Khazi Farooq Ahmed;
12. Northern Motorsports, Noida: Raj Kapoor;
13. Performance Cars Racing Trust, New Delhi (formerly represented by Hardy): Proxy -To Be Announced;
14. Ramakrishna Race Performance Management, Kolkata: Arindam Ghosh;
15. Spitfire Motor Sports Private Limited, Coimbatore: C. Rajaram;
16. Malwa Motor Sports Club, Indore: Dr. Afzal Bunglowala;
17. Motor Sports Association of Eastern India, Kolkata: Saurav Chatterjee*
Note: Saurav Chatterjee name is given for two clubs; It is not clear if it is an error or he would represent two clubs.